Dental Crowns – Alpharetta, GA

Strong Armor for Your Weak Teeth

While you may be careful with them, your teeth could suffer harm over time. There’s always a chance that you’ll develop a cavity, chip a tooth, and so on. However, the good news is that this dental damage doesn’t have to have the last say. You can always get dental crowns in Alpharetta to fix your weak grin. With them, our office will quickly and smoothly repair your teeth. Learn more by reading below or book a consultation for details.

What is a Dental Crown?

A dental technician working on a dental crown

A dental crown is a protective covering for a damaged tooth. This dental “cap” defends the treatment site from outside forces and hides flaws from view. As a result, it prevents further harm from bad bacteria and improves how your grin looks.

Given the above traits, the best candidates for dental crowns have worn or broken teeth. These may range from a cracked tooth to one with an unfillable cavity, as well as those that just had root canals. A dental crown can offer crucial repairs and restoration for such parts of your mouth.

Of course, the best way to confirm your candidacy is to consult our dentists. They’ll take a close look at your smile to see if a dental crown suits you.

The Dental Crown Process

A 3D illustration of a dental crown being placed

The standard dental crown process takes two dental visits. At the first appointment, we’ll prepare your tooth for its restoration. The second visit will place your final crown once it’s ready.

The initial “prep” visit is pretty simple to grasp. As it begins, we’ll ready your tooth by removing some of its enamel. This process makes room so your final crown will fit well. Next, we’ll create an impression of the prepped tooth and send it to a dental lab. By using this model, lab workers will craft your crown over a few weeks. You’ll wear a temporary restoration in the meantime.

When your dental crown is ready, you’ll attend the second appointment. Our team will then quickly and smoothly place your restoration.

All that said, we can also make treatment shorter with CEREC same-day dental crowns. Our office designs, crafts, and places these kinds in just one visit!

The Benefits of Getting a Dental Crown

A smiling young woman admiring her dental crown in a hand mirror

Once your tooth has its dental crown, you’ll receive several benefits. These include:

  • Gorgeous Results – Our dental crowns use high-quality materials to match your other teeth in color, size, and shape. They’d then look gorgeous and blend seamlessly with your smile.
  • Strong Protection – The average dental crown can protect teeth from microbes and endure your bite force. So, they should keep you from needing a root canal or tooth extraction later.
  • Versatile Care – A dental crown can treat cavities, chips, cracks, and more, as it covers the whole visible surface of a tooth.
  • Enduring Effects – A well-maintained dental crown can last 15 years or more.